
Dolby Atmos Soundbar
+ Information

We created this 2-minute brand film for Sony Japan for use in retail outlets worldwide to demonstrate the Sony Dolby Atmos Soundbar. Our creative approach of abstracting familiar objects created a canvas for us to create a visual and sonic experience to promote the technology.

The production involved working closely with sound design and music partners Yessian to create a dimensional audio experience that seamlessly flies through genres to highlight the cinema-quality home theater potential of the Soundbar. In addition to the in-store film, we also created an education-focused companion demo piece for online use which incorporated a binaural stereo mix simulating the immersive experience available to the home user. 

  • Sony
Concept, Design
Animation & Direction
  • Midnight Sherpa
  • Miguel Lee (CD)
  • Alex More (EP)
  • Dillon King (AD)
  • Anna Mendoza (Coordinator)
  • Piero Desopo
  • Caspian Kai
  • Esther Kim
  • HyunJoon Kim
  • Alejandro Lee
  • Adrian de Leon
  • Kono Matsushita
  • Tiffany Shen
  • Joie Sui
  • Joo Park
  • Cathy Xao
  • Joo Park
  • Quinta Yu
Music & Sound Design
  • Yessian