
JLR-900 Linear Robot — Digital Content
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Jarvis Products has been a leading manufacturer of machinery for the food industry for over a century, creating hardware solutions to help their customers provide more people with better nutrition. The Pandemic accelerated a shift in many large scale food handling operations to invest in the next generation of processing equipment including robotic and self sanitizing machinery for a more efficient and more hygienic workplace. 

With a new slate of products in development, the team at Jarvis Products initiated an overhaul of their online presence. The fresh face of Jarvis Products was to be more in tune with a contemporary tech brand—clean design, minimal layouts and slick 3D product renders demonstrating the efficiency of the new product line. 

Midnight Sherpa worked closely with the management and product engineering teams at Jarvis to deliver a catalogue of still and motion assets for use on the upcoming site. From the material of each component to the subtle acceleration change of a motor, it was required that the visuals were flawless representations. We engaged in multiple working sessions with product designers and engineers from Jarvis to ensure this accuracy. 

Other technologies required visualizations that could not be supported by live action reference, such as the cooling system within the JLR 900. In these instances Midnight Sherpa conceived a look for each process before animation production began. The re-envisioned website is a striking display of stainless steel automation, paralleling the level of craftsmanship in each instrument Jarvis makes.

  • Jarvis
  • Will Jarvis
  • Hyek Im
Design, Animation, & Direction
  • Midnight Sherpa
  • Miguel Lee (CD)
  • Alex More (EP)
  • Anna Mendoza (Coordinator)
  • Portia Barrientos
  • Esther Kim
  • Dillon King
  • Justin Leung